Hey Family,
This week was a lot of fun, for at the start of the week we received a challenge to hit standards of excellence for speaking Czech and also for teaching lessons with a member. I love a good challenge and so we went to work. As we spoke more Czech this week we really noticed that our focus was more on the work, and also that our ability to break off from a conversation and contact someone was increased. Just little changes like that allowed us to see more success in our work and having a greater focus on the missionary work allowed us to really be in tune with getting lessons and getting members to them.
We also spent some good time this week with some of the members in our area to help build that relationship, and also we saw Petr get his first home teaching visit. It was a really great experience to see him and his home teachers really develop a bond of friendship and enjoy in each others company.
We are looking at a really great transfer with baptismal dates. The Zone record so far has been 4 baptisms in one transfer. We have already hit 7 this transfer and we have 8 more baptismal dates set for the 6th; 5 of those looking very solid.
The next focus that we will have is going to be put back into getting those extra contacts to help us always be doing missionary work, and to help rebuild the investigator pools in each area for next transfer. The second focus is getting those dates into the water!!! We are looking forward to having a great last two weeks here in the transfer. With faith and hard work we will see some great miracles.
05 June 2009
25 May 2009
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
4:57 AM