Wow hey family so this week was packed with traveling. I have officially been to Slovakia now! This past week we were in Prague for zone conference then we were in Zilina in Slovakia for the second zone conference, we saw Poland, We were in Ostrava on exchanges, in Brno for the third zone conference, and now we are back in Prague. What a blast it was but sooooo much traveling i was begining to get really sick of being in the car. It was a blast though and a great experience! So i really don't have a whole lot to talk about outside of teaching the same training 3 times and the same training rotation exercise 9 times!!! It was really fun though and i am glad that i can be a part of it. I was able to see our whole mission in a matter of four days which was pretty stellar. I'm doing well and getting accustomed to being an assistant. I want to make more happen though and i'm just not quite sure what that is yet so i will have to put some time into creating a good vision. The work is moving forward but Elder Guzy and i need to find some new investigators because our area is very empty right now and no one is really making great progress. We have some time planned for finding people though so with the Lords help and your prayers we should be able to find those who are prepared to make progress towards baptism. I'm really glad to hear that you all are doing well and that you have a new job dad. I hope that the new job becomes very enjoyable and successful. Remember that when you rely on the Lord He can help us be successful even in temporal things.
You had many questions so i will get to them.Questions:
Did you get to see Kaitlyn? yes i did, she came on sunday to church
If so, tell me about it? It was really neat and also really difficult because sundays are always very hectic as a missionary and so my mind was all over the place, I took her to sacrament and sunday school. She said that she really enjoyed it! I guess it was just really very different to see someone from home especially since i have been away from you all for over a year now. But it was really great that she got to come and took the time to come to church.
Did you travel this week? yes all over, see above.
Where did you go? Zilina,Ostrava,Prague,Brno
How are the new missionaries doing? they are all doing very well it seemed. How has your training meetings and zone conferences been this past week? they were successful, i feel like the missionaries enjoyed what they heard.
Have you had fun traveling around the mission? it has been fun except for the riding in the car and sleeping accomodations. We slept at elders apartments and elders apartments only have two beds so we slept on couches and floors.
What is Slovakia like? beautiful rolling hills all covered in green and massive valleys covered in beautiful shades of yelllows and greens. The hills are absolutely stunning in number and layers. i was very impressed it made me think of The Shire from Lord of the Rings.
It was a packed week and im sooo happy to be back in Prague in my own bed. I hope you and the new members enjoyed the temple, i would love to be able to go to the temple, really badly actually but it isn't allowed president has already asked the Brethen of the twelve and they told him it just wont work out for certain reasons, but it just builds the anticipation for when i can.
I'm enjoying the work and looking forward to hearing from you next week. Love your son, Elder Nowland
p.s. Ahoj is hi in czech as you know and Do videnia is good bye in Slov
28 June 2009
26 June 2009
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
9:25 PM