Crazy Week!
Ahoj, Nazdar! So this past week has been 100% crazy. i just finished getting unpacked today because of the schedule we've had.
Monday: get moved out of Vysehrad and into Hradcanska, and less active lesson.
Tuesday: wake up at 6:30 and prepare to go to the airport to pick up the new
missionaries, 9 total, 3 czech speaking elders, 4 slovak speaking elders, and 2 czech speaking sisters. We took them on a tour around Prague and then gave them their first go at contacting out on Namesti Republiky. They were so scared but they did a great job i was very impressed with their courage. That evening Dinner with the Slovackovi (The Slovaceks).
Wednesday: wake up at 6:30 head over to train the New Missionaries and also the trainers. That evening we served the departing missionaries dinner and sat in on their testimony meeting.
Thursday: 5:15am load up the cars and take the Departing missionaries to the airport and wave goodbye. That was such an interesting moment for me, something i had not yet experienced in my life let alone on my mission. It
was a weird feeling of saying goodbye knowing that in a few hours they would be back with their families, feeling the anxiety with them, but also, knowing that i would simply return and continue with the work. It was interesting for me because yes, i did feel the anxiety and excitement that they were feeling to go home and finally see your family, but as i walked out of the aiport i was so overwhelmingly glad that i didnt have to go through that yet. We had to do the same thing the following morning for a senior couple that was going home as well that were out serving in Slovakia. So over the past few days i have been to the airport about 4 times and willl have to return again at some time to pick up a missionary that didn't come in yet because of visa problems. We are already planning for our first training that we are going to give to all the leadership in the mission this coming friday. I am having a blast though, even with all the lack of sleep it has been absolutely amazing! Elder Guzy and i are having a really great time serving together. He is such a cool Missionary.
Quick story, so on thursday we found out that President and Sister Slovaceks visa's run out in two weeks time and that we had to have their passports into the Foriegn Police office 14 days in advance or else they wont renew them. AAAHHH!!!!!! was all we had time to say and then we had to through a bunch of papers together and get signatures and be at the foreign Police before 18:00 (closing time) the only problem was that we realized all this at 16:00. CRAZY! but a lot of fun because we made it and all will be good.
I got the email about Kaitlyn Whiteside coming. I will definately be here and we can invite them to come to church since they will be here. I love you all tons and am grateful for the package that you sent. the ties will be a blast! Take care and i will look forward to your letters. (on Saturday (New P-day)
Your son,Elder Nowland
Ahoj, Nazdar! So this past week has been 100% crazy. i just finished getting unpacked today because of the schedule we've had.
Monday: get moved out of Vysehrad and into Hradcanska, and less active lesson.
Tuesday: wake up at 6:30 and prepare to go to the airport to pick up the new
Wednesday: wake up at 6:30 head over to train the New Missionaries and also the trainers. That evening we served the departing missionaries dinner and sat in on their testimony meeting.
Thursday: 5:15am load up the cars and take the Departing missionaries to the airport and wave goodbye. That was such an interesting moment for me, something i had not yet experienced in my life let alone on my mission. It
Quick story, so on thursday we found out that President and Sister Slovaceks visa's run out in two weeks time and that we had to have their passports into the Foriegn Police office 14 days in advance or else they wont renew them. AAAHHH!!!!!! was all we had time to say and then we had to through a bunch of papers together and get signatures and be at the foreign Police before 18:00 (closing time) the only problem was that we realized all this at 16:00. CRAZY! but a lot of fun because we made it and all will be good.
I got the email about Kaitlyn Whiteside coming. I will definately be here and we can invite them to come to church since they will be here. I love you all tons and am grateful for the package that you sent. the ties will be a blast! Take care and i will look forward to your letters. (on Saturday (New P-day)
Your son,Elder Nowland