Hello family it was very nice to hear from you. This week was a little bit slower but things are starting to get better. All at once our investigators that we have been falling out and we have not been able to meet with anybody so we have been struggling to be able to teach. So this past Friday we committed ourselves to go out and spend the whole day finding new investigators. So after about 7 hours of finding we returned home with 8 phone numbers received from people that are interested to hear more about the gospel. One of those was taught a lesson and became a new investigator. He is from Poland and is a really humble guy. There was another young man that was completely prepared to hear about the gospel he asks all the right questions and wants to know what he can do in this life to prepare himself for the life after this one. He said that he has looked in many churches and hasn’t been able to receive answers to the questions that has! We testified to him that he will be able to find the answers as he meets with us. The Only thing is that he lives in Brno so he will be a referral for them but he is a solid individual and I really see him getting baptized and becoming a missionary.
So yesterday Elder Price and I continued with getting out and finding, and while contacting we committed someone to be baptized as soon as they receive their testimony that these things are true. He told us that he had had a health miracle recently in his life. He felt like God had really given him a second chance. I told him that he is right God loves all of us and wants us to return to him but there are a few things that we must do to be worthy to live with God. I said and one of those things is that we follow the example of Jesus Christ and get baptized by proper authority. I told him God has given you the chance not only to help others and be a testament of the power of God for the rest of the world but also to help yourself by making a promise with God to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. We then told him that we are God’s Servants, and committed him to meet with us so that we could prepare him to be baptized. He said yes! So there were some really great things that happened this week. I am really learning that as we rely more and more on the Spirit and on the gospel of Jesus Christ, we will see that more and more people will be open to hear and they will accept. I have learned that the Spirit is very bold and straight forward but very lovingly.
The work is a lot of fun and I’m really enjoying myself.
Here is your question:What do you need for the package? If you want to put blueberry muffin mixes, or peanut butter, or Protein Bars, or Oreos, one of those things would be sweet! Whichever one will fit. Thank you.
Well things are really starting to pick up a bit better. I love you for the support that you give to me. I’m very blessed to have a loving family because many people nowadays do not have such a blessing.
Take care, until next week, all my love
Your one and only,…….son that is,
Elder Nowland
p.s. i still need to get new aaa batteries for my voice recorder you could send those in the package if they will fit. Electronics are really expensive here. Ahoj Diky
05 June 2009
1 June 2009
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
4:59 AM