Wow hey family so this week was packed with traveling. I have officially been to Slovakia now! This past week we were in Prague for zone conference then we were in Zilina in Slovakia for the second zone conference, we saw Poland, We were in Ostrava on exchanges, in Brno for the third zone conference, and now we are back in Prague. What a blast it was but sooooo much traveling i was begining to get really sick of being in the car. It was a blast though and a great experience! So i really don't have a whole lot to talk about outside of teaching the same training 3 times and the same training rotation exercise 9 times!!! It was really fun though and i am glad that i can be a part of it. I was able to see our whole mission in a matter of four days which was pretty stellar. I'm doing well and getting accustomed to being an assistant. I want to make more happen though and i'm just not quite sure what that is yet so i will have to put some time into creating a good vision. The work is moving forward but Elder Guzy and i need to find some new investigators because our area is very empty right now and no one is really making great progress. We have some time planned for finding people though so with the Lords help and your prayers we should be able to find those who are prepared to make progress towards baptism. I'm really glad to hear that you all are doing well and that you have a new job dad. I hope that the new job becomes very enjoyable and successful. Remember that when you rely on the Lord He can help us be successful even in temporal things.
You had many questions so i will get to them.Questions:
Did you get to see Kaitlyn? yes i did, she came on sunday to church
If so, tell me about it? It was really neat and also really difficult because sundays are always very hectic as a missionary and so my mind was all over the place, I took her to sacrament and sunday school. She said that she really enjoyed it! I guess it was just really very different to see someone from home especially since i have been away from you all for over a year now. But it was really great that she got to come and took the time to come to church.
Did you travel this week? yes all over, see above.
Where did you go? Zilina,Ostrava,Prague,Brno
How are the new missionaries doing? they are all doing very well it seemed. How has your training meetings and zone conferences been this past week? they were successful, i feel like the missionaries enjoyed what they heard.
Have you had fun traveling around the mission? it has been fun except for the riding in the car and sleeping accomodations. We slept at elders apartments and elders apartments only have two beds so we slept on couches and floors.
What is Slovakia like? beautiful rolling hills all covered in green and massive valleys covered in beautiful shades of yelllows and greens. The hills are absolutely stunning in number and layers. i was very impressed it made me think of The Shire from Lord of the Rings.
It was a packed week and im sooo happy to be back in Prague in my own bed. I hope you and the new members enjoyed the temple, i would love to be able to go to the temple, really badly actually but it isn't allowed president has already asked the Brethen of the twelve and they told him it just wont work out for certain reasons, but it just builds the anticipation for when i can.
I'm enjoying the work and looking forward to hearing from you next week. Love your son, Elder Nowland
p.s. Ahoj is hi in czech as you know and Do videnia is good bye in Slov
28 June 2009
26 June 2009
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
9:25 PM
20 June 2009
20 June 2009
Hello Family!
It is so great to hear from you. It has been a pretty decent week by way of our own missionary work. We found a new investigator this week from Slovakia! Outside of the work in our area, we just had our Zone Leader / District Leader Conference. Elder Guzy and i gave a training on having effective district meetings, weekly call in reports, exchanges, and correctly filling out baptismal records. It was a really interesting experience for me to be sitting up next to President, to lead the conference and also to give trainings to the leaders in the mission. I guess at this point I don't feel like I have really qualified for the calling that I have been given. I think that that is something that comes with time. I know that who the Lord calls the Lord qualifies, but i still just feel like i need greater experience in this new calling, and that as i rely on the Lord, then He will provide me with the attributes that i stand in need of.
We went on a pretty cool Vilet today to a place called Terazin. It is an old concentration camp, but on a smaller level. It was designed to be the place where the Nazi's would send different groups like the Red Cross and other inspectors so that they could hide the fact that they were treating these people inhumanely. After inspections were passed Terazin soon began to take part in inhumane treatment like the other more well known concentration camps like Auschwitz. We ended up walking through this 500m underground passage that lead to the shooting execution ground. It was a really humbling experience as i began to think about what emotions a person must be going through as they are making this long darkened walk to a place that they did not know to be executed for a reason that was unjust and also unknown to the victim. I began to reflect on my own beliefs and the faith that i have within me while i was making that walk. As i stood on a square patch of dirt placed in front of a towering wall of earth facing a small hut that stood as the place from where the armed soldier fired the life taking bullets, i began to feel a really great sense of respect for the many martyrs in the history of our church. I reflected on Abinadi and many others and felt an overwhelming calm as i then placed myself in the position of the victim and tried to imagine what i would be feeling if i were standing there with the beautiful sunshine beaming down upon me looking at the blue sky and clouds for the last time; breathing slow and deep. it was interesting, i began to rely on my faith that as i would soon leave this life i would be joining my Father in heaven, and received a peaceful confirmation of the thought that i knew He would be there waiting on me ready to comfort me in His arms and tell me that He is pleased with me that i did not deny Him and that i kept the faith. It was a really neat experience.
Elder Guzy and i have our own area that we have to tend to on our own. which is very difficult because we will not have even been home at all this coming week since we will be having Zone Conferences all across the mission. We will be in Brno, Slovakia, and then Prague.
Question we asked Morgan: Do you specifically work with the President and the other missionaries throughout the mission? We do both...We work all throughout the mission with the missionaries and president and then also when we are in Prague we are in the office with president from 9:30 to 4:30 and then we go out and proselyte. Do you have an apartment of your own or do you share with other office missionaries? We have an Apartment of our own just around the corner from the mission home. And the Office Elders live the next floor down from us in the same apartment building.
I love you all tons and am so thankful for your support of me.
Do something memorable this week!!!
Love your son,
Elder Morgan Nowland
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
5:49 PM
14 June 2009
13 June 2009
Ahoj, Nazdar! So this past week has been 100% crazy. i just finished getting unpacked today because of the schedule we've had.
Monday: get moved out of Vysehrad and into Hradcanska, and less active lesson.
Tuesday: wake up at 6:30 and prepare to go to the airport to pick up the new
Wednesday: wake up at 6:30 head over to train the New Missionaries and also the trainers. That evening we served the departing missionaries dinner and sat in on their testimony meeting.
Thursday: 5:15am load up the cars and take the Departing missionaries to the airport and wave goodbye. That was such an interesting moment for me, something i had not yet experienced in my life let alone on my mission. It
Quick story, so on thursday we found out that President and Sister Slovaceks visa's run out in two weeks time and that we had to have their passports into the Foriegn Police office 14 days in advance or else they wont renew them. AAAHHH!!!!!! was all we had time to say and then we had to through a bunch of papers together and get signatures and be at the foreign Police before 18:00 (closing time) the only problem was that we realized all this at 16:00. CRAZY! but a lot of fun because we made it and all will be good.
I got the email about Kaitlyn Whiteside coming. I will definately be here and we can invite them to come to church since they will be here. I love you all tons and am grateful for the package that you sent. the ties will be a blast! Take care and i will look forward to your letters. (on Saturday (New P-day)
Your son,Elder Nowland
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
4:05 PM
Memorial Day 2009
It seems Elder Nowland ended up with all the Sister Missionaries in this picture. I am certain his companion must be taking the picture.
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
4:01 PM
08 June 2009
8 June 2009
Well everyone hold onto to your seats because i have no idea what President Slovacek was thinking when he asked me to come serve with him as an Assistant to the President!!!! OHHH MY GOODNESS!!!!! I'm going to be serving with Elder Guzy. Elder Guzy and i were both trained by the same missionary Elder Turner. I'm am so blown away right now, i dont really know what to think. it really hasnt even hit me completely yet that the work im going to be doing is going to have a whole different feel. I have to be packed by today and ready to move into the AP apartment by 6 o'clock this evening to start being trained and to prepare to go pick up the new missionaries at the airport tomorrow morning! Me an Assistant To President! I am going to need a lot more prayers to be able to perform as the Lord would have me. Faith and Prayer are going to become a much larger part of my Everyday! routine. Im very nervous but it is going to be a very humbling experience for me. I know that the Lord has a lot of faith in me, so now its my task to have even more faith in Him. I really feel like i am going to be growing a lot stronger spiritually from this new calling. Working side by side with President Slovacek is going to teach me so much about how to serve more strongly in a spiritual capacity as well as in a temporal capacity. It gives me a lot of strength to know that i having a loving family that is going to be supporting me all along the way. You all are absolutely amazing, and it is because of you and the exemplary way that you raised me that i have been able to progress like this in my life. I really truly mean it when i say that i would never wish for any other family. The Lord our God has smiled upon us and showered down blessings upon our family because of foundations of righteousness and righteous living. I really do know that obedience is one of the great laws that governs heaven and earth. I know that God is our Father., and that because of that relationship he gives unto us everything according to our obedience. Mom, Dad, i am so thankful for the righteous ways that you lived your lives before our family was formed, because i know that it is because of your individual righteousness that you two were blessed with a great gift of the spirit which is the gift of being a righteous example for your children. You both have a great gift for being able to teach the youth of this world, starting with your children. I will never be able to repay you for the lessons that you have taught me and the way that you raised me. My faith is grwing so much stronger and stronger. Im really excited for this new step. Pray for me. Take care of yourselves.
All of my love,
your son and missionary,
Starsi Morgan Nowland
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
1:05 PM
05 June 2009
Missionary Work Update in Europe
I thought you might like to see how great the Lord's work is going in Europe. This is from a fireside with Elder Oaks and Elder Perry. Elder Oaks talked how the Lord is smiling on Europe. After several years of declining baptisms, 2008 saw a 5% increase and thus far in 2009, there is a 17% increase. Then he talked specifically about the Czech Republic when he said "The Lord is REALLY smiling on this mission with a 134% increase in 2008 and more than a 200% increase thus far in 2009! You are marvelous!"
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
8:31 PM
1 June 2009
Hello family it was very nice to hear from you. This week was a little bit slower but things are starting to get better. All at once our investigators that we have been falling out and we have not been able to meet with anybody so we have been struggling to be able to teach. So this past Friday we committed ourselves to go out and spend the whole day finding new investigators. So after about 7 hours of finding we returned home with 8 phone numbers received from people that are interested to hear more about the gospel. One of those was taught a lesson and became a new investigator. He is from Poland and is a really humble guy. There was another young man that was completely prepared to hear about the gospel he asks all the right questions and wants to know what he can do in this life to prepare himself for the life after this one. He said that he has looked in many churches and hasn’t been able to receive answers to the questions that has! We testified to him that he will be able to find the answers as he meets with us. The Only thing is that he lives in Brno so he will be a referral for them but he is a solid individual and I really see him getting baptized and becoming a missionary.
So yesterday Elder Price and I continued with getting out and finding, and while contacting we committed someone to be baptized as soon as they receive their testimony that these things are true. He told us that he had had a health miracle recently in his life. He felt like God had really given him a second chance. I told him that he is right God loves all of us and wants us to return to him but there are a few things that we must do to be worthy to live with God. I said and one of those things is that we follow the example of Jesus Christ and get baptized by proper authority. I told him God has given you the chance not only to help others and be a testament of the power of God for the rest of the world but also to help yourself by making a promise with God to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. We then told him that we are God’s Servants, and committed him to meet with us so that we could prepare him to be baptized. He said yes! So there were some really great things that happened this week. I am really learning that as we rely more and more on the Spirit and on the gospel of Jesus Christ, we will see that more and more people will be open to hear and they will accept. I have learned that the Spirit is very bold and straight forward but very lovingly.
The work is a lot of fun and I’m really enjoying myself.
Here is your question:What do you need for the package? If you want to put blueberry muffin mixes, or peanut butter, or Protein Bars, or Oreos, one of those things would be sweet! Whichever one will fit. Thank you.
Well things are really starting to pick up a bit better. I love you for the support that you give to me. I’m very blessed to have a loving family because many people nowadays do not have such a blessing.
Take care, until next week, all my love
Your one and only,…….son that is,
Elder Nowland
p.s. i still need to get new aaa batteries for my voice recorder you could send those in the package if they will fit. Electronics are really expensive here. Ahoj Diky
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
4:59 AM
25 May 2009
Hey Family,
This week was a lot of fun, for at the start of the week we received a challenge to hit standards of excellence for speaking Czech and also for teaching lessons with a member. I love a good challenge and so we went to work. As we spoke more Czech this week we really noticed that our focus was more on the work, and also that our ability to break off from a conversation and contact someone was increased. Just little changes like that allowed us to see more success in our work and having a greater focus on the missionary work allowed us to really be in tune with getting lessons and getting members to them.
We also spent some good time this week with some of the members in our area to help build that relationship, and also we saw Petr get his first home teaching visit. It was a really great experience to see him and his home teachers really develop a bond of friendship and enjoy in each others company.
We are looking at a really great transfer with baptismal dates. The Zone record so far has been 4 baptisms in one transfer. We have already hit 7 this transfer and we have 8 more baptismal dates set for the 6th; 5 of those looking very solid.
The next focus that we will have is going to be put back into getting those extra contacts to help us always be doing missionary work, and to help rebuild the investigator pools in each area for next transfer. The second focus is getting those dates into the water!!! We are looking forward to having a great last two weeks here in the transfer. With faith and hard work we will see some great miracles.
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
4:57 AM