So i just talked to you all not too long ago, about 2 days ago. that was awesome im so glad that we got to speak. By the way the way to say merry christmas here is, "Vesele Vanoce!" but as you know i am doing really quite well. it was a shame that i had to have you all call earlier. It would have been neat to talk to grandpa. You can send him love from me. Im truly grateful for the conversation we had it was very uplifting for me.
This mission as you have probably noticed has changed me quite a bit. i have truly learned that charity and love are two very important things. Im trying to take upon myself the characteristics that Christ had. And as i have learned about these two in particular, charity and love, i have felt the power that these two qualities hold, especially when you show these towards others. Im having a lot of fun out here. It is harder during the holiday season to be away from home, but time moves quickly, and before i know it ill be saying that i want to go back and serve my mission again. That knowledge gives me motivation to continue on giving my all.
Let me know when you all get my package i sent. i guess it'll be sometime after you return home from grandpa's. Im currently at a loss for words of what to write or say seeing as how we just spoke. Well like this, I love you all so much i thank you for being prepared and willing to listen to the missionaries that taught you and brought you unto the gospel. If it were not for the decisions that both of you made, then i would not be here today in the czech republic. Thank you dearly for that.
Vy jste neco uzasneho a nemohu chapat jak drahocenny jste mi. Nepral bych si abych mel nejakou jinou rodinu. uz vidim jak spatne mluvim anglicky. Je to vtypny. Mam vas moc rad. You are something amazing and i cant grasp how priceless you are to me. I would not wish to have any other family.
I am already seeing how badly i speak english. its funny. I love you all so much. Take care and have fun this holiday season. s laskou___with love,your son ,morgan
30 December 2008
26 December 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
1:09 PM