Hello family of mine I hope you are all doing wonderful im really getting excited for this holiday season. It is going to be amazing. I know you all are excited for christmas and when you get to call!! And you are in luck because i have the information today, for what you will need to do to call.
But by means of the work, things are going swimmingly, i want to thank you for all your prayers. Missionary work here is going through ups and downs. In some areas missionary work is going very well, wereas in other areas it is currently struggling, nevertheless we are seeing an overall increase in baptisms here in this country. We currently have 4 baptismal dates that we are now working with in our area of Liberec. It is a lot of work, and very hectic. Im am very pleased though that the Lord has chosen my companion and i to be here to carry out this work. It is interesting to reflect back on my own life and to see and ponder about the kind of individual that i was. The Lord has truly opened my eyes to what i truly am capable of doing, i even remember how i would not dare walk in a gas station by myself to use the bathroom, because i was so shy and afraid to talk to people. But the Lord has strengthened my weaknesses and turned them into strengths, but the Lord can do this with anyone of his children. The Lord will open the eyes of those who are first willing to rise up from their beds, He is willing to give the words to speak to the person who is first willing to open his mouth. Its amazing the things that i have seen here since ive been on my mission, but nothing that i have seen is anything that could not have happened before i came out, i simply did not have the faith, nor was i willing enough to do my part. We must do our part and then the Lord does the rest.
I love you all, you have been an amazing example to me. I love your letters, they always give me the strength to continue on and to continue working. My time here is running out. I must hurry and do all i can. Im beggining to think that two years is two short....maybe ill ask for an extension...? Just Kidding mom...hehe, but i do need to work harder to accomplish the goals that i have set. I love you mnoho krat.
Here are the questions:
How is it going with Elder Briggs? he is a great companion, loves to speak czech and really wants to learn and have success. I have been blessed with a wonderful companion.
How is his Czech? his czech is better than mine was at his age in the mission.
Have you had the Czech Food (or slovak) Halusky? yup i know how to make halusky from scratch. Ill make it when i get home.
What is your favorite Czech Food so far? Svickova definately.
Are you still having Christmas there (at the Toplansky)? on the 24th we will be at a members home, the 25th for lunch i will be at the toplansky.
Is it getting colder? much it is on average about -2 degrees celcius, not too too bad. but plenty cold for a hawaii born florida raised boy.
Has your christmas box arrived yet? not yet that i know of but im not in prague they are going to do a christmas run for all the missionaries and take all of them their packages for christmas
welll family i love you and wish you the best christmas holiday. Are whitney and Jeff coming down for the holiday? Take care of yourselves i love you so much.
Your son
Frosty the Morgan
15 December 2008
15 Dec 2008 - It snows here - ALOT
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
8:56 AM