Are you EXCITED!!!!!!! to know what is going to happen? So im staying in Liberec and getting a new companion. His name is Elder Briggs. He is in the same MTC group as elder Hatch, my current companion, and he is from the south, i think from North Carolina, so we are going to be having some southern blood coming into the Liberec North area which is going to be a lot of fun. Im really excited about that. From what i hear Elder Briggs is one of those good Southern Grown missionaries. This past week was very exciting. We had two baptisms, and were still able to maitain a high standard with teaching member lessons. We had 21 so we were just 9 short of last week which is a.ok in my book seeing as how we were able to help two others enter the waters of baptism. Thank you for letting me know about the letter you shared that really means a lot to me. I truly hope the members all know that they can do whatever they set theirs minds to, especially when that involves missionary work. I'll tell you something, I talked a lot about faith and fire in my last letter and how that helps to bring more people into the gospel, but there is something else they we can do to go along with that and it is called expectations. The Lord wants us to develop our skills and to be obedient unto his commandments. He has promised us over and over again that if we are obedient unto him that he with bless us with limitless numbers of blessings. We can all take those blessings he has promised us and as we are faithful and obedient, we can expext the Lord to do things. This past week as missionaries as we have been obedient and faithful, and we have gone out finding, expecting fully that he will lead us to those who are prepared, expecting fully that we will find that person and teach them the gospel and invite them unto christ, and that they will feel the holy ghost and except the invitation, and i testify to you that it has worked that we have been led.
The Lord always, and with all my heart i say this, He will always keep his end of the promise. As i have relied on the Lord, i have never been let down, not even once. With sacrifice comes victory, and with the test of faith comes the opening of heavens and an outpouring of miracles and blessings. I know with all my heart that God lives and that he is truly the Father of our spirits, and that he being connected with the deepest points of our hearts knows how to give good gifts to his children, to those that are worthy and faithfully expecting. Expect miracles, but be willing to show forth faith. Before the miracle comes though, be prepared to struggle, to cross paths with the difficult, to see your faith tried, but when that comes continue on and endure with the full expectation that the miracle is waiting just around the corner, and i promise with all my heart with all faith in the Lord that the miracle is just around the corner. Never give up hope, never lose faith.Im learning more here than i could have ever imagined. Life is an interesting experience. There are always new canyons around every corner and great mountains to climb. The trick i have learned is to never stop climbing. The canyons can be deep and hope can look like the small twinkle of light at the end of the tunnel, but never stop climbing, the longer you climb the more distance you put between yourself and the great adversary, and the closer you get at ever step at every foothold, to our Lord and Savior in the kingdom of our Father.
Our questions for Morgan:
Turkey Bowl:Were you the QB of the team? nope i ran and played a little line defense.
How did you all celebrate Turkey day? We ate together as a district at a nicer restaurant
How cool that Elder Rust was playing too. Is he in your zone? Yeah he is, it was so funny because he was so excited when we asked him to play. Funny Funny man I like him.
I love you mom I love you dad I love you whitney and jeff
Im thankful for you prayers for me and the people here.
Dodrz (Endure)
your son and missionary,Morgan
02 December 2008
01 Dec 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
11:40 AM