Well Family i bid you all a big AHOJ! another week has gone by. Did anyone ever tell you that time goes by so fast. They shouldnt call it time they should call it "Fly", "lightining", "quick", "fast", or even "what just happened"...Hey can you tell me "what just happened. It is so amazing how quickly a week can go by. then before you know it youve got 9 months behind you.
I'm having a good time here. The work is moving pretty well things are starting to move faster, and people are starting to come unto Christ. Its so neat to watch someone make such amazing steps towards eternal life with God. I hope you are doing well at home there in Georgia. I hope the members are seeing success from this amazing work that we are all about. A quick word from the missionary. Do everything you can to help the missionaries in your area of the vineyard. If you do that you will start to see everything else like work, money and family fall into place, the Lord has commanded all of us to do his work, and i am 100% conifident that when the Lord gives a command he is willing to back the command with blessings, 100% of the time. As we do missionary work we will see our testimony grow, we will see our desire to serve increase we will see our temporal wealth increase and we will see our families grow stronger and we will see our children sustaining the faith and growing up to be like the strippling warriors of old. Momma daddy whitney Jeff, i love you all.
Well I am pleased to announce that Ivan Vasili Canga is the newest member of the Liberec branch (picture below) and that he is on track to receive the Priesthood this next week at church. I am very excited for him and the covenants he is making with the Lord. It truly was a great experience to see someone who was so prepared and ready to receive the gospel to enter into the waters of baptism. We lost a great friend and investigator Igor, he was reunited with his family and is now home in Slovakia. It is really sad to see him go because he was truly a great friend , but it is comforting to know that he is with his loved ones and, it is ok because he has not left us completely he has just moved to different teachers. I know he will be baptized. This was a strong week for the other elders. They were able to do some really great finding.
Our hopes are high and we are looking forward to an even better week. There is this really solid investigator named Lukas, he is a young guy and is the kindest investigator I have ever taught. He is the kind of person that I would be friends with back home. He is about 24 and already has a Christian background.
Baby steps: when the first step is prepared and then charted and then becomes a reality, then the second step follows kindly in place behind, and as confidence and faith increase the steps turn into a walk, and then a jog, and before you know it your running. That is what we are doing.
Do you get to print your letters and read them later? no i always read them here im just always in a hurry so i sometimes miss some things.
What size of CTR ring do you wear? im not really sure does 8 sound like a normal size or 9
Who got baptized in Prague? That was our investigator Ivan, here from Liberec. We live about an hour outside of Prague if your taking a bus, so the members alsways prefer to have baptisms there or at a lake and it is too cold for the lake so we went to Prague.
Was it someone you had taught while there? Nope here in Liberec
Do they celebrate Octoberfest there, if so have you gone to the celebrations? no they dont. nor do they celebrate halloween or thanksgiving (of course). But they do celebrate christmas..yeah but it even is a bit different.
Did you put up your poster on the wall yet? not yet i have it laying out to get the curve out of it.
From daddy:How is your district doing? we are doing pretty well, we need to have a greater focus on getting people to church on Sundays, it is not so easy here because people like to leave town on the weekends.
Is everyone getting along okay? yeah we are doing awesome in that aspect
Are you having great success? i would say we are having good success I love the idea of being a companionship versus 2 sets of Elders in a district.
Is that concept having success? yeah its working pretty well we have a strong bond and high spirits
Do you find it to be more productive and uplifting? i think so and the other elders really seem to like it they too refer to us as a companionship so it is good they are very supportive.
Well you all have a good week. Find some new people to bring to the Gospel...i will be doing the same.
Love you so much, your one and only son,
starsi nowland
27 October 2008
27 Oct 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
8:07 AM