Hello Friends and Family,
Here is Morgan's letter from this week. He is in a new city called Liberec, Czech Republic. It is just below the borders of Germany and Poland in a mountain region. He said he wanted to go to a mission that had snow - well I don't think he really understands what he asked for, just wait for another month or maybe even sooner. He is going to see snow. His birthday was October 4th and he seems to not really believe he is no longer a teen-ager. Nor do I. Gosh, I sure love this boy, he is wonderful. Enjoy! Susan
Hello my most loving family. I'm in a new city, i just aged out of being a teenager (cant use that excuse anymore), I have a new companion, And somehow I'm supposed to serve as a district leader while also follow-up training a younger missionary......Life is good. Really it is. The worst part of all of that is that I'm 20, but i guess I'll get over it. I dont think I'll ever grow up. I love you all sooo much. I am so glad to hear that Michael was also assigned as District Leader in Argentina, he deserves it, he works so hard. I think the Lord just really thought I needed to be humbled......Well he did a good job. I will fill you in on some stuff later.
Liberec is a beautiful city, and it is full of so much potential. I'm looking forward to the opportunity that I have to work here. Elder Hadzik wants to have a new building here in Liberec. So we are working to increase the numbers here so as to make that happen. This area is really going to explode.
As a companionship, Elder Hatch and I are doing very well, Elder Hatch has a really good foundation and is often doing a lot to help me. He really cares for our investigators, and also the members here in Liberec. I am doing very well. I am trying to do what I can to figure out how I can best be of assistance to these missionaries here. They are wonderful though, they are very loving and supportive. We have decided that we do not want to refer to ourselves as a district but as a companionship of four. WE are doing this to strengthen the unity between us and also to provide a strong support group for each of us if ever we are getting down about the work or whatever it may be. We are young and are very excited! We have faith, now we are just working together to strengthen it and use it. We have high expectations and are looking to make those turn into realities.
I truly cherish this opportunity to grow and to serve side by side with these missionaries. The Work is hard but it is always worth it.
1 - Did you get the 2 packages (box and tube)? no not yet but i will on Friday
2 - How did you celebrate your birthday? Umm.....I chopped and stacked wood, Got dogged by two investigators, played ping-pong for sports day and had a run in with a drunk man. But really it was all very enjoyable. We did end up buying some soda and and little baked goods for that evening.
3 - Tell me about your new companion? he is from Arizona, was a swimmer in high school, he is very nice and does a good job at making sure that i dont do anything too ridiculous.
4 - What do you like best about being District Leader? Getting to serve with such willing and supportive Elders
5 - What do you like least about being District Leader? Knowing that the Elders in this district are much more capable than i am. I'm not sure i deserve this. But i will try.
6 - How many investigators do you have in Liberec? about 6ish
Dads Questions:
How do you like your new area so far? it is beautiful, we are in the mountains, so it is really pretty , we actually live on the namesti area, Town square on this street that is a hill.
Is it as pretty as the area you just left? yeah it is
How's your new companion? super nice and willing to work and have success.
Are the Rusts in your new area? They are in Hradec Kralove which is where the Zone Leaders are.
Do you get to listen to the Saturday sessions or just Sunday's? We get to listen to both this coming weekend.
Life is good here. I'm sad i could not celebrate my birthday with you all but that is ok. I love you all tons and hope that the Lord blesses you all. I put some more pictures up. Sorry about the voice files. still isnt working.
I wish you the best say hi to everyone for me.
your one and only son
06 October 2008
6 Oct 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
10:45 AM