Hello Family
I hope everything is looking wonderful there in Georgia. Things are moving along here in Liberec. This past week was a harder one for us. We had some really great finding activities. We found 14 potential investigators!! it was really great. We also went to Jicin for a Zone Flood. Jicin is the sisters area so it was really good for them. I Love you so much. Make sure momma that you also look at moderation in all things. I really didn't intend for you to go out with the missionaries everyday...That is Amazing!! and I'm sure you helped their investigators overcome great difficulties and concerns ...but you are teaching future missionaries in Seminary, which is also missionary work. What really helps is if you could pick one day every week or even every other week and set that day with sisters and then they can plan on being able to use you on that day, and set up lessons in the spot where you have said you'd be available. If every member were able to give 2 hours every other week to teach with the missionaries, then they would never have to teach a lesson without a member!!! But you all are doing such amazing work there in Georgia. I am so impressed and pleased with the great advances in missionary work and the growth of the ward. Two Thumbs up!!!
It gets dark here now around 5:00 in the evening, its kind of crazy, but makes for really interesting missionary work. Our teaching pool has taken a large hit now that Jvan has been baptized, Igor moved to Slovakia, and that a few investigators dropped us. We are having to do a bit of re-building, which means a lot of finding time. It is very difficult though because we are currently making the transition from contacting missionaries to tracting missionaries so we as a companionship are running into a problem because we don't quite have a hold on how to make it work so we are struggling with finding new investigators. It will start to pick up, we just need some time to figure out how to tract.
1. What is your local address? you will have it next week...im sorry i forgot it while sitting here.
2. Can I send your Christmas package there? you might be able to. I dont know if im going to suggest that though.
3. Do you have that pen that I gave you that has the oil vial in it? i do and i can use that for sure.
4. Do you think you will be there in Liberec for Christmas? Im not sure. Since elder Hatch has already been here for two transfers now, that probably means he will leave and that i will stay, but i really dont know.
5. Are you staying warm? yeah im doing pretty good. Ive already broken out the long johns. So at least for now im good. (you know how Momma's worry-especially this Momma)
Did Karel get baptized on Saturday? YES!!!!! he did its so Amazing!!! I was able to talk to him on the phone on the day of the baptism!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!!
(Note: Karel is the young Taiwanese man that was in the Czech Rep studing at the University in Morgan's last area. He was on a train that Morgan and his companion were on. Morgan's Czech was not that great yet and this young man was speaking English. Morgan said he was so nervous because he has only been there a couple of months, but how could he not tell this man about the gospel - he was after all speaking English, so he had no excuse not to tell him. And after a few "I can do this" under his breath, he talked to him and they became great friends and he just got baptized on Saturday. It is a lesson to us all that we have to talk to those around us - no excuses. What if he hadn't told this young man about the restored gospel). I love you and wish you the best have a good week
Love Morgan
03 November 2008
03 Nov 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
5:04 PM