Z Prahy, S Laskou! From Prague, With Love. Another week has gone by, and it has been the final one of this transfer. I’m looking at staying here in Prague as a Zone Leader and my new companion is going to be Elder Price from my MTC group. Elder Barker is heading back to Brno. I’m really excited because I have never yet served with an elder from my MTC group so that is going to be so much fun. I’m excited because he has never been a Zone Leader before so it is going to push me to have to take more of the lead this transfer instead of just riding comfortably in the back seat. I’m really excited for what the future holds. I’m super excited to be in Prague for the summer months. I have never been here for the beautiful blossoms and contacting in the parks and in the town squares. Elder Price is a super cool elder that loves photography, and playing bass guitar, and he is from Idaho.
I am at a loss for words to say as my mind is taken away to thoughts about the coming transfer and what I am going to do to help bring this zone into a new state and vision. So I am going to be putting a lot of thought into how we can raise and increase. I know it is going to have a lot do with two words that I have mentioned and talked about before when I was in Liberec, and those words are faith and fire. How can we bring the Zone into a greater sense of Faith, and more Fire. I’m excited for what the transfer will bring serving with Elder Price.
Let’s get to the questions:
Pres. Obama was supposed to visit Prague last week. Did they visit? Yes, he had a speech on Sunday so I did not go, but unfortunately some investigators went instead of coming to church.
Did you hear that they were coming? There are many posters up all over in protest to the missile base that the U.S. wants to put here
Well that is all for this week i will let you know next week how things are going with my new companion. I love you very much, keep up the great missionary work!!
Love you one and only son,
Elder Morgan Nowland
21 April 2009
6 April 2009
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
8:00 PM