Hello Rodino!!!! Jejda! I’m really excited to hear about all the good fun that you all are having. It has been a fun filled week here as well.
We were able to spend some time with Petr this week and get him completely prepared for baptism. He is doing so well and it is really exciting for me to have been involved in a great part of his life.
We also had a few meetings with a nice lady this week and we taught her.
We took some time through out the week to devote to preparing for Zone Conference. We trained on introducing the Book of Mormon with power and with great testimony to help the investigator to understand what we expect them to do (Study and pray to receive their own testimony). When we do this we don’t end up with a bunch of investigators that aren’t willing to progress. Also, we found that when an investigator has a testimony of the Book of Mormon you can overcome any concerns that they might have in the future. The training seemed to go over really well. The missionaries responded really well to what was taught. Now we will be looking to see what comes of the training as the missionaries put it into action.
Elder Price had his birthday this past Saturday so he is now 21!! He said thank you so much for sending the mini PMG. It will make a great birthday present.
My testimony of the importance of having a great loving supportive family that are members of the church has grown by leaps and bounds.
I love you all more than I could ever repay. The best thanks I feel that I can give to you all at this time are to serve with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. Thank you for the way that you raised me.
There should be three of our investigators getting baptized this weekend. We are really excited about that!! So we will see what happens, keep them in your prayers.
Well that is all the magic that happened this week. One cool experience, we were talking to an older man that we had contacted on a bench when a little while later a drunk young man came walking down the sidewalk being very loud and rude. As he approached where we were, he moved closer to where I was standing and shoved me off to the side. Not the nicest thing he could have done, and he probably wouldn’t have done it if he weren’t drunk. But it was pretty cool after I thought about it that, that was the first time I have ever received some sort of physical abuse since being on my mission and it felt good that I could be a small part of the scripture that says “blessed are ye that are beaten for my names sake…”or something to that effect.
I love you all a lot and I look forward to Mother’s day!!!
When you are deciding on a time pick the soonest time that you all can do it because Elder Prices parents are two hours back so it will be best if you all call first and then they can later. we get home from church at about 2pm our time.
Take care this week and have a lot of fun. All my love,
Your one and only son,
Starsi Morgan Nowland
27 April 2009
27 April 2009
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
10:22 AM