So it sounds like things are going swimmingly there in the Brainerd ward. I think dad might need to serve a second mission before the one as a senior couple. I’m really glad to hear that the work is starting to pick up there in that part of the Lords vineyard. Also that will be really nice to get elders back.
In Prague, we had a really sweet week, Amka got baptized!!! It always just increases my faith to see someone enter into the waters of baptism. Just seeing how their life changes, and the progress that they make is truly amazing.
We are looking forward to committing more people to baptism this week to help our investigators have something to work toward. We are going to put into action the training that we got from the Assistants at this past Zone Conference. We are going to work at raising our investigators to the goal of baptism by using parables like Christ used when He taught, instead of lowering the goal so that they will accept it.
I love the mission right now! I’m really enjoying being here with these people. In every work no matter where we are, one of the great indicators of success is based upon the amount of Love that we give to those with whom we work, whether it is in business, service, marriage or friendship. I’m looking to increase my Czech speaking ability because I feel that I’m beginning to tapper off. I want to make a greater push and improvement in my abilities.
I love you all and wish you the best this week. I have a quick question about dad’s new vocabulary that he is using, “Stoked” is a cool word but it is way funny to hear it from the mouth of a boy raised in Virginia….ha-ha… No it’s good though, I like it. My family has got to be the coolest!!! I’m glad you all don’t mention the time that I have left because I know that some missionaries parents are more “trunky” than they are and write them all the time mentioning how much time they have left. I love you all so much for the emails you send, they always motivate to do more.
Love always, your one and only missionary son,
30 March 2009
23 March 2009
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
9:09 AM