Hey family well it was a rather successful week for us in the vysehrad area and also in the zone the number of lessons being taught and new investigators being found is increasing so that is a bit of good news. We are still struggling to figure out what needs to happen so that we can help everybody to see that they can accomplish more than what we are currently doing.
Quick question while im thinking about it or rather a request, would you keep my drums and guitar in the house where it is air conditioned if at all possible so that the wood wont warp as the temperatures fluctuate outside. That would be amazing and would save a lot of money.
The work is starting to become more and more exciting, about one week ago i was riding in the metro when a missionary challenged me to speak with a young man probably about 27 years old, of course i love a little competition and challenges, so i talked to the young man and began to enter into a discussion about why im here as a missionary. In the midst of our conversation i realized that i needed to hurry and get off the metro so i handed him a pass along card and as i told him that i needed to get off he mentioned that he was also getting off at that stop and that he also needed to change to the next metro line so he walked with me. Our conversation continued as we rode up the escalator. It was a very real conversation, we were both very sincerely interested in what the other had to say. He was heading in the same direction as us. He talked with me as i traveled all the way home, and here comes the sad part, i got off and said goodbye without getting his number or his name from him. Needless to say i was a bit upset with myself because i saw in him a really great young mens president. So there i was a week later at church when something amazing happened, he sent me a text!! unbelievable! I have never had someone respond back to a handout. It is a really great testimony strengthener for me that pass along cards do actually work. It may not be everybody that will respond or call, but the ones that truly are prepared will call. Needless to say it was a tender mercy for me. His name is Lada. So that was the coolest thing that happened this week for me, the work here is fun but we are looking to make it better, so stay tuned.
Now for questions.1. How is church in Prague? bigger there are about 80-100 people that attend every sunday
2. Have you had to speak in church there yet? yes actually i did yesterday i gave about a 5 minute testimony about missionary work.
3. Have you used any other stories that I have sent? not yet i havent actually had the opportunity i dont teach directly as much anymore but i think we will be changing that and start having district type meetings with our district leaders.
4. Do you need any clothes or other items sent to you? no i think i should be alright, you could send "Berts Bees" chapstick if you would like
5. Did you ever sell or give away your yellow backpack?yeah i actually traded it for another backpack it is a Dakine backpack its nice for p-days
6. How is your new backpack holding out? it is holding out very well
7. Where have you travelled to as ZL? brno and that is it so far we had a training meeting for Zone leaders with Elder Neuenschwander of the 70
Well family i love you more and more everyday it is a wonderful experience being a missionary. Im really learning so much about the gospel and also about myself. The mission is an eye opening experience.Keep the missionary work alive, i have a testimony that missionary work brings a whole new level of blessings to the lives of those that are a part of it. i have been blown away by how happy missionary work makes me. i wish you a great week,
love your son,Elder nowland Morgan
07 March 2009
23 Feb 2009
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
9:22 AM