Hey! my loving family, Alright so ive reorganized myself so that i wont forget to tell you about important things that happen during the week, and i will be making recordings of all those important things. So you should have everything that has happened to me or is worth writing about in those recordings.
This week went very nicely. It was a wonderful week to be able to serve. First, on Tuesday we traveled to Zlin for exchanges with the elders there. While there, myself and Elder Chambers were able to find a new investigator for Elder Topp and Roberts. The next morning we had studies and then went out and Elder Topp and I were able to find another new investigator. Elder Topp let me take the reigns. I contacted this gentleman on the side of the road and we taught him right then and there. It was an eye opening experience for me to find someone and teach them while we were still standing on the side of the road. We shared the first vision and gave him a challenge to meet with us again. It was so cool because we got his number and committed him to hearing more the coming Friday. Then after returning home we went out and contacted this group of 3 guys who looked a little sketchy, they looked like gangsters, but sat with us and listened while we taught a first lesson and some of the second lesson. After that we went to have a lesson with our investigator at her work and ended up teaching…well four of her co-workers sat and listened to us but two of them were really responsive, and were asking questions and talking quite a bit about God and what they believe and were sincerely curious about what we believed. We had a successful Family Home Evening…well there were only five members there but they said that it was one of the better Family Home Evening's that they had been too. I am doing wonderful , I'm setting new goals for myself to become a stronger more capable missionary, I feel like I have wasted a lot of time worrying about some selfish reasons for why I'm not doing better as a missionary, and now am seeing the light.
It is soo nice to get a letter from each of you. I really appreciate seeing both of your personalities come out in your letters, and it is good to have multiple accounts of events, it helps me understand a little better, because you both write about different aspects....Its like reading the scriptures, instead of having four accounts from Matt, Mark, Luke, and John. I have two accounts from Susan and Jeff...aka...Mom and Dad.
I hope my letters and voice files and pictures fill you in on all the things that you would like to know. If they don't then just let me know and i can modify and add more.
In my personal Study of the scriptures right , I'm using the book ,"The life and teachings of Christ and His Apostles"..It is really good because it is taking me through the life of Christ chronologically using the four gospels.
I love you sooo much and hope that you enjoy yourselves at home...look forward to seeing the pictues!!!
Much love, your one and only missionary son,
30 June 2008
30 June 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
11:15 AM