Well it has yet again been another week that has absolutely flown by. Mission time is really starting to fly by. I can't believe how long I have already been away. It is really amazing here, almost everyday whenever I walk through a Namesti I think to myself....Wow, there is no way that I am actually here right now, I can't believe my home is back across the Atlantic Ocean! It is really quite mind boggling, because how many people when they are growing up around the years of fifteen to eighteen actually think that when they are nineteen that they will be living in a foreign country communicating and talking with people.! Its funny because currently I'm living in the country that everyone else from all over the world is coming to visit. It really is pretty magical here... Its going to be a scary day when I have to think that I am going to be leaving this place,.. when I'm going to be leaving this country... thats why I'm not going to think about it too much. Time is so precious, and yet everyday I see it getting smaller and smaller. Days just don't last as long as they used to. The hardest part about being a missionary is that I see peoples lives just wasting away, Time just walks past them and they don't even notice it...Always cherish time, and make the most of it. I've really began to see how limited time is, and it's scary because I'm afraid to sleep for fear that I will wake up on the plane ride home.
Love you soo much, the work is progressing, and it will pick up! These people aren't going to know what hit them! This gospel will move forth. Expect the unexpected!
Your Son,
Star¹i Nowland (Ted´zemì) our last name in Czech )
02 June 2008
16 June 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
11:21 AM