I am going to make a quick apology for the length of this letter, but because of conference our time has been cut short today. I wanted to let you know a few things though, and answer some of your questions.I am so glad to hear that things with work are going reasonably well. I don't remember having a single tornado watch the whole time that i was there in Georgia. I hope that everything turned out all right and that everyone is safe and healthy.
Conference so far has turned out to be amazing! it is full of great talks covering concerns that we as missionaries hear on a daily basis. It will be wonderful teaching with the talks once they come out in the Liahona. We have been spending the past week getting transfers all figured out. Otherwise, I will be going to a southern city called Ceske Budejovice
i will be a district leader and will be follow-up training Elder Pearson (his father is the General Authority).

As for the questions:
Did you laugh at that poster of Barrett and Evan? Yes i did it was perfect! thank you so much for doing that for me.
Did you enjoy your package? Absolutely, and i am still enjoying it! Im actually wearing the tie today!
Elder Briggs hasnt had grits since he left home and was in heaven when he ate some.
Thank you family for all that you do, the loving kindness that you have shown unto me will be with me for all eternity.
As parents you really were consistent in raising me just as Elder Bednar spoke about.
Thank you.
I am learning so much and am thankful that i am out here. I am truly where the Lord has always desired that i be at this time in my life.--
With love, Your son,Starsi Morgan Nowland