Morgan is far left on the back row.
Jak se vede Rodino?
Hello family it has been an absolutely crazy quick week on my end as well! So in the life of an Assistant there are a lot of missionary THINGS that we are assigned to do. One of those is that we are in charge of all visa work that takes place in the church across the Czech and Slovak Republics. So there is going to be a youth conference in a little city outside of Prague, and not only are the Czech and Slovak youth coming but there are about 28 youth from Moldova and 2 from Cyprus. So the past few days have been full of filling out Letters of Invitation to the Czech Republic for these 30 individuals so that they can get a visa to be over here. It was hectic because it involved waking up early to go stand in lines to get in as soon as possible. The only problem with waking up early is that we don’t really get that sleep back.
It sounds like mom is becoming an electronic whiz. I’m very excited for dad’s new job. It sounds like it is going to be a big improvement, and a lot more enjoyable. Working together has got to be a blast, as long as you find ways to keep the stress levels down.
I just realized that I might not have told you that I have been driving for about 4 months now, and it is an absolute blast! I also feel really cool just that I can say that I have driven not only in Europe but in The Czech Republic and also in Slovakia!! I was really scared when I first drove because it had been about a year since I had last driven. It is normal now even though it took some getting used to with the different laws and style of driving here.
I think we are officially teaching the most hippie family that I have ever met. I might have told you about them already. They live about 45 minutes outside of Prague in a little mountain cottage, and when I say little I mean little. It has two rooms that are still altogether smaller than our kitchen in Callaway. They play guitars and hand drums, the kids are home schooled, they have goats that they often paint red with the wild strawberries that they pick, and we just found out yesterday that they are going to travel all the way over to the coast of France so that the father can build a legitimate year round live in it “Tree House”! They are the sweetest people; they have three little children which is big for a Czech family.

I think we are officially teaching the most hippie family that I have ever met. I might have told you about them already. They live about 45 minutes outside of Prague in a little mountain cottage, and when I say little I mean little. It has two rooms that are still altogether smaller than our kitchen in Callaway. They play guitars and hand drums, the kids are home schooled, they have goats that they often paint red with the wild strawberries that they pick, and we just found out yesterday that they are going to travel all the way over to the coast of France so that the father can build a legitimate year round live in it “Tree House”! They are the sweetest people; they have three little children which is big for a Czech family.

I uploaded some pictures for you all of a haunted house thinger we went to. It tel
ls all the myths and legends of the city of Prague. There are also pictures of the office that I work in with the other three Elders. Some pictures of the main post office, me with a statue (he is a little indecent but still very neat), in the metro, and others.

It is time for me to depart. I love you family and hope that you continue to see great successes from living the gospel. I have learned so much up to this point and am continuing to gain great treasures of knowledge. Enjoy your week! Oh and we are going on a small trip with the Slovaceks on Wednesday to a place called “Cesky Raj” or Czech Paradise, so you will get some of those pictures next week!!
Love you hodne krat,
Your missionary son,
Elder Morgan Nowland
Love you hodne krat,
Your missionary son,
Elder Morgan Nowland