Ahoj Rodino! I love you all sooo much, the Lord has given our family so many blessings that it is just amazing to me. Missionary work seems to be everyody's life right now in our family. We truly are blessed to have all been able to visit the temple and take out our endowements.
Missionary work has got to be one of the most difficult, emotionally painful, and physically and spiritually stressful things that I have ever done. Yet, I get up every single day ready to do it again and again, and I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT! Sure it is tough, and there are days that I feel like I am not up to the task, but the joy and energy I get from those little successes is so satisfying that I just have to keep trying everyday to find more of them.
We had on the plan this past Wednesday to go out and find a new investigator in the park closest to us. We had prayed for the guidance to know where to go and we both received the inspiration that we should go to that park. We were walking through the park keeping our eyes and hearts open to receive that individual who had been prepared by the Lord. We made it all the way through and were circling back without any success from the people that we had spoken with. It was proving to be very difficult, a trial of our faith. We were getting close to being out of the park when we saw a man eating a rohlik that he was dipping into some sort of tuna salad stuff. We said hi and told him that we were missionaries here in the Czech Republic, volunteers for our church. He looks up at us and says, "Please, sit down", we look at each other and then take a seat. We commence to discuss why were here and what our message is. He listens and agrees but expresses some concern. As we are talking with him and resolving concerns, our branch president walks up out of nowhere and says hi introduces himself and invites this man to English classand to family home evening and to church on Sunday. He says that he thinks he can do that because he has those days off. It was amazing! Then, like some superhero, as quickly as president showed up he was gone again, leaving us with a much more comfortable and prepared investigator…needless to say, we set up another meeting with him and got his number! As we have reflected on this contact we have realized just how prepared he really is. It is interesting to see how well the Lord knows his children, and knows what each of us needs in order for us to progress in life, and in the gospel.
The work is moving forward, struggling here and there every now and then, but in the long run it is pushing forward. Being a missionary is such a satisfying work. I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve.
Thats a really cool experience i was able to be apart of!
Heres the ?'s
1. Did you ever get the package? not yet but i probably will this week because Wilding is going to praha for his visa
2. Your birthday is coming and I wanted to know if you need anything? Black socks that are nice and solid, that wont wear out too fast
I know you want to buy some things there - that is fine but I would like to send a little something
so if you can think of some things from home you would like, let me know.
A. Black socks that are nice and solid, that wont wear out too fast. Maybe some really soothing music that is sacrament appropriate, like pretty piano renditions of some really great songs
3. Did you get a package from the Primary here? no i didnt.
4. Do you get letters from any other people? Shelby and kailey
5. Do you need any socks or pants? socks, thats probably it i like pants they have here better
6. Anything you want us to send? music, yummy foods, pictures of the wedding
i love you all take care
thank you for being wonderful
your son,
04 September 2008
01 Sept 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
4:19 PM