I'm really looking forward to a transfer filled with excitement and success. Elder Wilding and I have already seen some great success here in Olomouc. We have set some goals in place and are really looking forward to accomplishing them.
The first few times we were out contacting this week were really rough, it was shut-down after shut-down. But we kept at it. We kept talking to people trying to figure out how we can really get across to them how happy they will be if they will just listen to our message. So, we went home a couple of nights empty handed. It was hard, but finally on Sunday we saw the blessings of our hard work and determination. We talked with three people on Sunday and two of them became potential investigators. We got their numbers and set-up a follow-up appointment. And with one of them we taught a lesson and gained a new investigator so that was pretty awesome!
I'm realy starting to see how great getting rejected is, because I know that after all the rejection comes a wave of blessings! It is really interesting and cool how that works, how the Lord gives us trials to test our faith and humble us and then blesses us in ways greater than we can imagine.
Over and out,
Starší Nowland
Do you have a lot in common? yeah we like the same music and both want to be sound recording engineers, he had a more successful band than i had before the mission, he toured and everything!!
How is the language coming along? its still coming. slowly though
How's the teaching pool? its ok bigger than most but its hitting a downslope right now
Are you still having fun? I really am
I love you all tons, take care, and keep me updated on the wedding!!!!!
your syn (son),
Starší Nowland
04 August 2008
04 Aug 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
10:32 AM