Here is my letter that i wrote to President Slovaèek: Its a good summary of this week, you've already heard some things but thats ok!
Success this past week has been a wonderful experience. We went through a little bit of a drought where we couldnt get anyone to have interest in the church, we couldnt get numbers, it was just no fun at all. This week was a wonderful eye opener though, first, we were able to meet with our most progressing investigator, and we challenged him to baptism but he wasnt sure he was ready so we ended up giving him the challenge to pray about being baptized into the church and he agreed that he could do that. Then, we had exchanges and i went oput with elder whiting and we had quite an adventure. We contacted many wonderful people who werent interested in the gospel but we were able to have good conversations with them, we taught a lesson to another one of mine and elder turners investigator. That was an interesting axperience because we asked him to pray, and he just started praying, but we had no idea because he was saying the steps that we had taught him out loud and then offering that part of the prayer: for example, he was saying,"First we address God" "Dear father in heaven" "Then we thank him" "Thank you for......" and he went on like that so we thought he was talking to us clarifying what he was supposed to do...haha! it was a funny experience but a really good one because he did pray, and we challenged him to pray everyday so it was a really great lesson. Then on our way home we contacted a guy who ended up being a Slovak, and taught him a lesson ending it with prayer and commitments and everything, it was so cool. But the week Gets better! After we had Zone Conference and Got our Missionary BINGO cards we went out and Tried the Book Of Mormon Bait thing and......It Worked! we had like five benches there was a Book Of Mormon on one bench, then myself, then a bench, then elder turner, then another Book Of Mormon on the last bench. It was so cool, this guy came walking by me first and i asked him how to pronounce a word from the Book Of Mormon, he told me then continued on. He got about ten feet past the last bench, turned around came back, sat on the bench and started reading!!! It was Like a Textbook situation!! It worked perfectly!! Needless to say we now have a new Potential investigator, Elder Turner taught him a lesson right then and there, and i asked two girls how to pronounce another word and then told them why we were there and talked to them about what we believed, It was a good experience for me to be on my own talking with native czechs. Oh and we also prayed with someone on their doorstep, we got this mans number invited him to church and prayed with him on his doorstep!! It was so much Fun!
So i must say that this week has been very exciting, I have a much stronger testimony that unity as a companionship is so key to having success. The Spirit only dwells with missionaries that are unified in the work, and with missionaries who are having fun doing the work. This has been a blessing for my testimony. Elder Turner and myself are having a great time! This Transfer has taught me a lot and Im excited for what is to come.
26 May 2008
19 May 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
7:26 AM