We arrived at the MTC (Missionary Training Center) on Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008. I don't think I have seen anything more organized than what we witnessed at the MTC. We drove up to to entrance and were welcomed by a nice elderly man (one of the hundreds of volunteers working at the MTC - most of them grandma and grandpa ages). He asked if we had an "Elder" for him. He then told us where to go and unload our Missionary and his suitcases. We were then met by "grandpa" #2 with his furry russian looking hat. He helped Morgan strap his suitcases together and told him to make sure he had his immunization papers on his person (in his pocket). Then grandpa #3 told Whitney where to go and park while Jeff and I(Susan) went with Morgan to drop off his suitcases. We came back to the front and entered with Morgan, Whitney, Jeff Merrill (Whitney's fiance') and Jeff and I. He got his name tag which I couldn't pronounce since it was all in Czech. I will put a picture of it so you can see it. We took a few pictures and then went into a short meeting to meet the Mission President of the MTC. We watched a short video called "Called to Serve" and then we said goodbye. Morgan was so excited that he couldn't quit smiling. It made it easy to say goodbye because he was so happy. I don't know how many missionaries were there that day but if you figure there are 54,000 - 56,000 missionaries out at one time and they enter every Wednesday that is about 1000 per week. It was awesome seeing the organization in welcoming these young men and women. I have posted pictures and will keep you all updated on this blogspot so save us to your favorites. I will also put a link to the blogspot that was created by his Mission President and his wife in the Czech Republic.
28 January 2008
Morgan enters the MTC (Missionary Training Center)
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
6:27 PM