Hey Family how are you all doing?! it sounds like you have had a really exciting two weeks there with moving and all that stuff going on. Im am really excited to be a Zone Leader it is a lot of fun but it is such a different responsibility. Im really nervous because i want to make sure that we make amazing things happen here but it is very difficult trying to motivate so many missionaries.we have 18 in our Zone. A really big pressure is that president expects the prague zone to be leading the mission in every aspect so its a lot of pressure for us to make things happen. Since it has been a while since i last wrote, and since you all have a lot of questions i will answer those and that will probably get out everything i would othewise write. So questions:
How were your investigators in Liberec progressing before you left? one should get a baptismal date this coming week. Other than that i dont know if anything else is going on. If they get baptized, will you being able to attend? Absolutely if they come to Prague, i will not be able to leave prague though
How's the new companion? Awesome!! He is really cool and very gung ho otherwise he wouldn't be a Zone Leader. So it makes it easier to work.
How's the new teaching pool? Diverse we are teaching people from every end of the Globe
How does the work differ as a ZL as opposed to a DL? At lot more to worry about but we have a really great area full of people to teach. we had 10 investigators at church this week just from our area.
Have you seen any of your MTC companions? yes
Are you living in the Mission Home? no
If not, what is your address (so I can google earth the building) i live on " na Pankrac " street What is this apt like? it is nice and comfortable. We have a nice kitchen.
Where is your new comp Elder Barker from? Alpine, Utah
What things do you have in common? music, easy going, like to work, like having fun.
Did you have to go and get your visa renewed yet. I know you just passed your year mark. How was that experience? that was a lot of fun but it was really easy.
Did you get your package? not yet maybe today though
How long was the wait in line for your visa? like 30 min. it was next to nothing, it was soooo easy.
Who else went with you? my MTC group and the AP's
What do you like the most about being ZL? two missionaries that have the desire to work hard
What do you like the least about being ZL? Being adequate. I dont feel like i have what it takes to help each missionary in their individual needs, it is very difficult.
Is it getting warmer? it snowed two inches last night. Not much warmer.
Do you need anything? not really, i have to get an international drivers license though but im going to do that here
How is everything in your new position? it is a lot for me to handle but i know that as i look to the Lord for help and advice that i will be able to overcome. For now though it is going to be a very humbling experience.
Is it much faster paced now that you have so much more to keep up with? yes days are really just whipping by like hours
Do you like being back in Prague? yeah it is really cool
How are the investigators and all doing? Investigators are making progress. We are teaching mongolians, ukrainians, bulgarians, afghanistanians, iranians, slovakians, Afrikans from the Congo, and finally czechs. It is crazy!!!
Any Baptisms lined up yet? yes for the 7th of march
Ok well i think that that is everything. I'll start getting better at these as things settle down. I Love you all, im pleased to hear you'll be in chattanooga for a least a bit longer. Keep up the amazing work at home with the missionary work. I know that that is why we are being blessed as a family. All my love ,
your son,morgan
20 February 2009
16 February 2009
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
5:14 PM
03 February 2009
2 February 2009
Well as you very well know today is transfers and im really excited so here it is. Im going back to Prague whre i will be serving as a Zone Leader with Elder Barker. Isnt it crazy!!! Im totally shocked and it is going to be so hard but im really excited for it. I dont have a lot to say other than im really happy that i have this opportunity.
Question: Have you used any of the devotionals that I sent to you? If so, how? I have, i got one translated to czech by a good friend here he is very rich and pretty good at translating i then used it for a talk that i has last sunday
Well family i love you so much. im serious you always give me so much strength and hope. We played laser tag today, it was a lot of fun. also, the talk i gave on sunday went over really well. i gave it on the atonement and used touch of the masters hand as a story, it is the story that i got translated into czech. It was really great i enjoyed myself and it turned out that the Lord was with me and helped me to speak czech well enough to give the talk.
Well that is all for today. we have a busy day because i have to pack and get ready to leave for Prague on wednesday. I love you family you are the best.
Love your one and only,
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
4:33 AM