Hey family this week has been quite the good one we just got transfer fax which is the attached file so you all can see where everyone is serving and how many areas there are. ElderChambers is gone but i already know Elder Wilding and he is a way cool missionary!!!!
This week we accomplished many wonderful things. On Tuesday we were able to hand out 1000 English flyers.
I love you all so much. The amount of missionary you all are doing back home is absolutely blowing my mind!!! You are the best parents a missionary can have!!! You are doing as much if not more missionary work than i am and that makes me "well pleased" with you. All my love to you!
your one and only son!!!
Starší Morgan Nowland
p.s. thnk you soo much for all the pictures, the ones of andy too those are super cool!
30 July 2008
28 July 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
12:42 PM
20 July 2008
14 July 2008
Hey family i love you all soo much and am soo happy to hear that you all are having so much success with missionary work. It makes me very pleased as your son. I would love to see the changes dad made in the theatre and to see a picture of your bedroom looking from the inside out through the new door.
It has been an eventful week, and I really feel like Elder Chambers and I were able to have success in our week. We made contact with a wonderful young man this week,his czech name is Karel and he is such a humble guy. he is originally from Taiwan but is going to be living in the Czech Republic for the next 2 years going to med school. We taught him the first lesson and really saw his countenance change as he watched the Joseph Smith story, he is so ready for the gospel in his life, his family is Buddhist but he said he did not feel in his heart that Buddhism was true and so he became Christian. He said that he had never heard about Joseph Smith or our religion before but said after our meeting that he has never felt how he was feeling before. We told him he was feeling the spirit and then he told us that, at that moment he was the happiest he has ever been. I know he will get baptized and be able to carry the gospel on to his family. I look forward to what we have to teach him.
Here are the questions:
1. Do you need anything? umm not that i can think of, i want to start losing weight so im going to go looking for some protein or protein bars, dont spend too much on me for my birthday because i can buy stuff here that i will want, if that is ok?
Things are going really well here for me im really enjoying myself. Life is really taking on a new outlook, Im feeling so much more peace and am able to really recognize the spirit a lot better. Im changing little by little for the better! It is exciting!
I hope the missionary work pushes forward there in georgia for you all, it sounds like things are really picking up. I pray for you all every night. I love you sooo much.....it is wild to think im so far away from...but i love it...i couldnt have asked for a better blessing for my life right now.
Take care stay happy, dont get too stressed about the wedding, it should be a happy time, allow the lord to help prepare the way for things to fall into place.
Love eternally, your son
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
4:22 PM
21 July 2008
Hey family it is so good to be able to write you every week, Ive have missed you all a little bit more than normal this week, but i got it back under control. We had a wonderful week this week...we are raising the levels of success in this mission, usually most companionships get about 6 lessons a week, for the past two weeks we have had 12 lessons one week and then 11 lessons this week, it really is amazing!!! Plus a baptism and i really feel like three more willl be baptized within the next transfer. Things are going to start jumping out of their socks in the next months my baptism goal for my mission is 22 and im starting on my path to accomplishing that goal! im going to ask prezident if he will leave me here for one more transfer. Things are so much fun here! If ever you find more funny pictures of me and my friends please feel free to send them to me!
How are your investigators progressing? Well Vladimir got baptized this week and that is abosolutely awesome it is my first baptism of the mission!!! and im only in my second transfer!!! Woop Woop!!!
It really is amazing in Olomouc, i hope Prezident will let me stay here in olomouc for at least one more transfer.
Regarding your birthday, Dad and I will put $ in your account so you can buy something for yourself. Is there something specific you are looking for or want to buy? i will probably buy either dress shoes, sneakers, or a new dress belt and slacks.
That is all for now i think.
I love you family,
your one and only missionary son,
Star¹í Morgan Nowland
Mìjte se Pìknì
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
4:22 PM
08 July 2008
07 July 2008
Morgan sent us 3 voice files this week so his letter was short. But he had a great week in teaching. He was able to travel this past week to Brno. I think it is the second largest city in the Czech Republic. While there he had great success in speaking to 3 people who spent at least 30 minutes talking with him in the big city square. They asked him to come to their home and teach them again. He gave their names and addresses to the missionaries who are serving in that city. He was only there for the day, but he was excited about that. He also tracted into a "Gangster Group" of teen agers. They go by american nicknames of: Dr. Style, Baboon, Smile and Lemon. He said they didn't seem extremely interested at first, but they gave them what they could and prayed that they would want to hear more. They set up an appt with one of the young men and have met with them a couple of times. There were 3 in the original group and now at the last appt there were 7. Isn't that awesome. I think my son and his great companion are just what these young people need. Morgan's companion is Elder Chambers. He is the Zone Leader and played drums and guitar in a band, and Morgan played drums in a band called Handlebars, so they know alot about these kinds of kids. They have developed a great relationship and seem to be just where they are needed at this time. Morgan got his package this week and 8 letters. He was so excited about the letters, so if you haven't written to him, he would love to hear from you. Missionaries LOVE letters.
I also received an email from the senior couple who is serving with 4 other missionaries in Olomouc. It was so sweet, I had to post part of their letter here:
Dear Brother and Sister Nowland,
How are you doing today? My name is Sestra Suzanne Rustova and my husband and I are serving a mission in the Czech Republic and are blessed to be here in Olomouc with your great son. He was not here in Olomouc when we first arrived in May but was transfered after the first transfers when we came. His Czech was so good that I thought he had been serving for a long time and I was shocked to find out that he came barely before we did. He has translated for us in church and he does such a good job at it. What a kind, good person he is. We have loved getting to know him. He is such a hard working missionary and does just what he is asked. He is also one who doesn't steal the limelight but is there ready. He is always the last one to eat and makes sure that everyone is taken care of. He has a lot of wisdom for one so young. Tonight I noticed the scar on his arm and he told me about it. That was some accident. He and Elder Hill taught the English class all by themself tonight and they did such a good job. I know it was pretty hard without the other Elders but they did such a great job. It was the first time we have gone to English and we thought they were great. Also, Starsi Nowland comes up with the best games for home evenings. Last week was so fun with the flour in the cup and the glasses with ping pong balls. We all had a good time. Thank you for raising such a special son. We think the Lord sent the best young missionaries to the Czech Republic. They are outstanding missionaries and you have one of the best. We love him. May the Lord Bless your family while he is serving here.
Love, Sestra and Starsi Rust
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
4:09 PM