Hey family its sooo good to hear from you! everything is going very awesome "tady v Praze" here in Prague! We have been teaching a less active family and also three other investigators, and we have a new investigator who we are meeting with tonight. One of our investigators is a super cool kid who looks like he is probably 21 years old he is really cool in that he was trying to find God himself.....but he tried to find God by using Marijuana....go figure? i guess he realizes that that didnt work out too well but anywho, he is super into God but has some really strange beliefs but he listened to us and we taught him the first 2 lessons the only problem is that he got really scared after we taught him the second lesson. I think its because he has gotten taken advantage of by a lot of people in his past and they've robbed him of money and a lot of other things and so he is just afraid that we might do the same.....welll....he has felt the spirit and said it himself that he felt it and i think he knows that what we are telling him is true.....but he just doesnt want to get let down again. but i think he will pull through.
I hope the family is doing great, but now for the questions.
1. How is your backpack holding up? my backpack....well im prepared for an i told you so from mom...unfortunately it is too small. so im not sure what to do as of yet i need probably a 22 liter pack....so let me know what you think
2. Have you shown anyone your picture book or your family pictures? yes my group in the MTC and also my companion
3. Did I see a picture of a Ramen Noodle sandwich in your pictures? you did, it is called a samoan...you boil the noodles for like 10 seconds...mix up an egg with the ramen noodle seasoning...fry the ramen noodles on a pan with the egg poured into the noodles... put sandwich condiments and the now eggfryed noodle square between toasted bread and enjoy...the ramen noodle egg thing should be soft not crunchy (see picture posted below)
4. Was is your sandwich and do you like them? it is a samoan...and yes!
5. Do you need a phone card for Mother's Day? no...actually you all have to call me...because all we have are cell phones and they cant call out of the us....so on mothers day you need to call me at 1 o'clock your time which will be 7 o'clock my time i will explain more in my next email....so that is all for now
7. Are you finding that you will have enough money on your Missionary Visa Card for the month? yes i should be fine...but that account is only for food and other missionary approved things
alright so unfortunately im at the internet place that wont let me put my stuff onto the computer but, i didnt have but a few pictures anyway...so yeah i will make sure to have more for you for next week.
Everything is going great ...i will give you more info about little things in my voice recordings.
that is all for now but i will bw at the computer for another hour writing my letter to the mission president (its a new thing they are trying) so you can continue to send me emails if you have any questions about what i have written
Ja Vam Miluju (I Love You (plural))
your one and only son
Starši Morgan Nowland
28 April 2008
28 April 2008
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
9:53 AM
15 April 2008
14 April 2008
I'm having a really good time here in the Czech and we went to the Prague zoo today and so you will get some pictures of that...umm a lot of our investigators that we invited to General Conference didnt show...infact none of our investigators have shown to anything, it is really depressing. We are struggling a little with the work but i have faith that it will pick up. General Conference was amazing!!! And i talked about it in one of my recordings. Once i can finally send you my stuff it will be much fun for you!! I love you so much!! And i will try to take pictures of food and stuff and of our apartment.
1. Have you had to get your haircut yet? nope
2. If so, where did you get it cut? n/a
3. Did you get your visa credit card? i did
4. How much money do you have to spend each month? 340 dollars about 6000 koruna
5. Do you think it is enough for you each month? i do, although i hvent been here a month yet
6. Did you get any of your money exchanged when you arrived? i havnt exchanged any
7. How was the plane ride? long and rough. i didnt sleep much
8. Did you sleep on the plane? nope
9. What are the interests of your companion? The Jazz, and Star wars and superman and batman
10. How is the weather? weather is warming up but we still have chilly and wet days
11. Are you wearing thermals or thermal socks? neither
12. What is the best food you have eaten this week? umm we eat at home a lot so we make like hamburger helper stuff which is good
13. What is the worst food you have eaten so far? im not a big fan of their tangy sauerkraut
14. How is the language coming for you? slow and hard
15. Does the water taste good there? um you have to filter it first but it tastes fine.
I'm trying to send pictures and video files but im fearing it isnt going to work, this really stinks because basically the answers to all the questions youve been asking me and then some are on my voice files and this computer wont let me put them on. I hate to make you wait but i am going to have to find another computer place to put my pictures and things in an email. i took a ton of pictures today too... im in this czber internet place where a lot of kids come to play computer games and they have like a crazy fire wall that won't let me put any of my pictures or sound files on here, it is really depressing because i have a ton of stuff to give you. I will try and send them later in the week or next week.
much love Starši Nowland
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
10:14 AM
02 April 2008
1st Week in the Czech Republic
8 April 2008
I will post Morgan's letter below:
OK so the worst thing just happened, i just typed up this super huge letter and like i thought i had sent it so i closed out the screen and realized that i didnt send so anyways im going summarize real quick and answer your questions.
What city are you in? Prague!!! Prosek area/Jablonecka 40
Who is your companion? Starši Turner
Where is he from? Kayesville Utah
How is the food? not Amazing but it is still good
What has been the best thing you have eaten? For breakfast, roliks(a bread stick basically) dipped in yogurt
Did you buy groceries? yes
What did you buy to eat? all sorts of just czech stuff
What is your apartment like? super small our washer is in the kitchen and it drains into the
sink...no dryer. Smallest aptmnt in the mission
How many members in your congregation at church? about 70
What time of day will you be emailing normally? 11 to 4 somwhere in there
When is PDAY? mondays but today is an exception because we had zone conference yesterday.
Im having a great time it is sooo beautiful here.
I walked on th Charles bridge and went to the cathedral here in Prague
I ride the public transport everyday, its great.
Serving a mission is the most fun i have ever had.
Performing on a stage with a band is the second funnest. This is a hard mission but the hard times make for the best stories. The elders here are great!
I love you all sooo much!
yours only,
¨Starši Nowland
Posted by
Susan Nowland - Mom of Missionary
2:04 PM